Understand model

Updated 2021-04-08, 2021-05-17, 2015-05-19

This one of our supplements to our whitepaper on open-source NMEC tools.

In this post, I'll address some common questions about the TOWT model generated by RMV2.0, using code to find the answers.

This post will not discuss the occupancy detection, which is the focus of the next supplement.

Executive summary

The segmented time-of-week and temperature (TOWT) model works like this.

$$ Load_{predicted}(T_{db}, t) = \sum_{j=0}^{N_{segments}} w_j(t) \cdot Load_j(T_{db}, t) $$

The load will be calculated using a number of weighted load prediction functions. More on the weighting later. Meanwhile, each $Load_j$ is a piecewise linear regression on temperature, $T_{db}$, also with an intercept coefficient for each time of week factor, $f_{tow}$:

$$ Load_j(T_{db}, t) = \sum_{k=1}^{{K+1}} C_{X_k} X_k(T_{db}) + \sum_{tow=1}^{N_{tow}} C_{f_{tow}} f_{tow}(t) $$

where the piecewise temperature variables are calculated using a breakpoint algorithm:

$$ \begin{align} X_1(T_{db}) &= {\rm min}(tempKnot_1,T_{db}) \\ {\rm leftover}_1 &= T_{db} - X_1 \\ X_2(T_{db}) &= {\rm max}(tempKnot_2-tempKnot_1, {\rm min}(0,{\rm leftover}_1)) \\ {\rm leftover}_2 &= T_{db} - (X_1 + X_2) \\ \dots \\ X_{K+1} &= {\rm leftover}_{K} \end{align} $$

(here we use the RMV2.0 naming tempKnot for the breakpoints) and the TOW factors are indicator variables for the unique day-of-week, time-of-day values that appear in the data. The factor for the first hour of Sunday morning could be defined, for example:

$$ f(t) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } day(t) = 1 \text{ and } hour(t) = 1 \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$

In practice, it is not important which time is labeled 1, or if these are hourly or at another interval; the data determines the actual times of week.

The point of the rest of this article is to pull out the coefficients $C_{X_k}$ and $C_{f_{tow}}$, like this:

# The timestamps used for weights
tCenters = trainTime[pointlist]
[1] "2006-01-01 01:00:00 MST" "2006-03-15 01:00:00 MST"
[3] "2006-05-27 00:00:00 MST" "2006-08-08 00:00:00 MST"
[5] "2006-10-19 23:00:00 MST" "2006-12-31 23:00:00 MST"

# Considering just one of the Load functions:
# The temperature knots (°C) used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...:
[1]  4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667

# Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots):

# Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots):

# Regression fit coefficients for occupied periods:

lm(formula = loadVec ~ . + 0, data = dframe, subset = okocc, 
    weights = weightvec, na.action = na.exclude)

  ftow33    ftow34    ftow35    ftow36    ftow37    ftow38    ftow39    ftow40  
 889.513  1129.579  1083.434  1055.898  1030.532  1032.293  1053.327  1055.209  
  ftow41    ftow42    ftow43    ftow44    ftow45    ftow57    ftow58    ftow59  
1086.492  1052.536   890.060   781.562   687.989   956.480  1239.358  1193.083  
  ftow60    ftow61    ftow62    ftow63    ftow64    ftow65    ftow66    ftow67  
1166.313  1141.000  1148.110  1175.762  1181.462  1211.249  1164.571   973.030  
  ftow68    ftow69    ftow70    ftow81    ftow82    ftow83    ftow84    ftow85  
 850.676   746.600   652.988   965.799  1251.020  1207.634  1182.726  1152.299  
  ftow86    ftow87    ftow88    ftow89    ftow90    ftow91    ftow92    ftow93  
1162.257  1190.022  1188.593  1217.781  1172.343   980.118   861.779   752.962  
  ftow94   ftow105   ftow106   ftow107   ftow108   ftow109   ftow110   ftow111  
 651.490   954.417  1203.931  1160.355  1132.017  1107.869  1115.496  1140.647  
 ftow112   ftow113   ftow114   ftow115   ftow116   ftow117   ftow118   ftow129  
1143.676  1169.399  1124.270   939.357   831.399   719.134   631.937   970.610  
 ftow130   ftow131   ftow132   ftow133   ftow134   ftow135   ftow136   ftow137  
1249.137  1209.257  1187.430  1162.131  1171.442  1198.762  1200.905  1228.215  
 ftow138   ftow139   ftow140   ftow141   ftow142   ftow153   ftow154   ftow155  
1183.935   985.538   866.343   751.631   653.014   624.374   733.561   685.567  
 ftow156   ftow157   ftow158        X1        X2        X3        X4        X5  
 663.234   661.950   662.021     1.851     4.336    27.944     7.310    45.556

I will also briefly touch on the weighting. If you want, skip ahead to the good stuff.

Getting started

If you are new to R and need to look up basic syntax or built-in data types, try these:

Note that the R community has been around a while, and the historical convention for documentation is for a package to be listed in CRAN with a single PDF file of the package documentation. When you install the package, you will have the option to read the documentation locally in your web browser. However, there is at least one site that scrapes the web and shows the help files for public R packages in HTML format, e.g.

Load libraries

Read the "project.rds" file stored by RMV2.0

To get started, I'm going to open a project file I previously created by running the RMV2.0 add-in. The following code snippets require that I had installed and used my fork of RMV2.0 when running the add-in. You can install my fork using this command in RStudio.


Let me know if you see any error messages. For this demonstration, I ran a screening analysis with just one input file, "Data_pre_2_2.csv", from the sample data files provided with RMV2.0. I created baseline models, selecting TOWT option and the hyperparameter set to timescaleDays=90. I saved the project as Project_02.19.rds.

As we load the project file, we can ignore the warning message about the missing namespace.

Explore the project file

Now, we are going to explore the project file. This is a data structure designed by the authors of RMV2.0, mostly composed of named lists, dataframes, and a few linear regression objects.


The Project object is a list. Elements of the list can be any data type. To understand what was stored, we want to look at a few important elements:

Note that Data_pre_2_2.csv was the name of the data file when we created the model. That name is used to organize the data, in case we had multiple models in the project. We can also refer to that element as models_list[[1]].

As we dive in to explore, note that there is some redundant information and obvious names, so I won't explain it all.

models[["Data_pre_2_2.csv"]]$train stores the data used to train regression models, including load and temperature.


In the towt_model data structure:


Here is the regression model data structure for the first block, regOutList[[1]]. Note:


The amod element is the output of a call to the lm function which performs regression (linear model).


The occupied periods include only some of the time-of-week hours (e.g. 33, 34, ...), which are called the levels of the ftow factor. Other levels (e.g. 1, 2, ...) appear in the bmod linear model for unoccupied periods.


Here we can also see the coefficients. To count them up,

All together, there are 80 coefficients in the amod linear model.



In the bmod linear model, we can see a different set of coefficients for the ftow factor.


Now that we know a little about the stored data structure, let's start scripting something useful.

These commands will just print text info summary of the project file structure.

The good stuff

Proceed with these steps only if you have my fork of RMV2.0 that saves extra variables.

Number of segments in segmented model

Here is how RMV2.0 actually used the hyperparameter, timescaleDays, to determine the season blocks.

The TOWT model object

Coefficients for the first segment

Weights for the segmented model

In a segmented model, there is a linear regression associated with each segment of time in the baseline period. When the model is applied to a given temperature and timestamp, it generates a value from each segmented model, and adds them up as a weighted average.

In RMV2.0, the model segmentation is done through weights only. That is, instead of splitting up the baseline data into some number of segments (seasons or months), RMV2.0 authors chose to weight the entire baseline dataset when training the linear regression model for each segment. They then use a similarly shaped weighting function when applying the model in the performance period.

So, there are two sets of weights to discuss: the weights for training, and the weights for prediction. The formulas are:

$$ \begin{align} w_{training,j}(t) = 1 \Big/ \left[1 + \left( \frac{ tCenter_j - t }{timescaleDays} \right)^2 \right] \\ w_{prediction,j}(t) = 1 \Big/ \left[1 + \left( \frac{ tCenter_j - t }{timescaleDays} \right)^2 \right] \\ \end{align} $$

Training weights for weighted linear regression

We can see that there are six ($N_{segments}+1$) time series of weights. Only one set of training weights is used for any given regression run. So, for the first model segment, linear regression tries to reduce the product of t_weights.1 with the residuals, which will give the best alignment to data in the early part of the baseline period, and so on.


Prediction weights applied in the performance period

This project file was saved for a screening analysis, so we had only baseline data. But suppose we want to apply this baseline model to dates in the performance period. What will be the weights for the segmented model?

Let's say the performance period is the year following the baseline (2006), so 2007.

We can see that model segment 6 (trained to emphasize the end of the baseline period) will have a dominant role in the prediction early in the year. The plot is less clear as time goes on, so it may be more illustrative to view that with stacked lines adding up to 100%.

In my opinion, I find this trend would be hard to justify, physically. Why does segment 6 become more important into February and March, but then less important in July? I think the application of these weights in the prediction period requires deeper consideration. Other open-source packages for NMEC that were inspired by RMV2.0 have come to use different approaches to weighting.

End of supplement 1

To recapitulate, we explored the data structure of the project file saved by RMV2.0. We identified the linear regression variables and coefficients. And we plotted the weights used for segmentation at the training and prediction steps.

Thank you for reading. Go back to article or supplements.