This blog post answers some questions about your baseline model generated in RMV2.0.
However, you will need to use my fork of RMV2.0
to generate the model and save the project to a project.rds
file. E.g. use this command in RStudio to
install this version of RMV2.0.
What information was missing in project files before my updates to RMV2.0?
What ideas are not yet put in place here?
This is a technical article that does not discuss using RMV2.0. It just shows details of the regression model that are not available to find using the tool. There are other solutions for these problems: write your own script, or try another NMEC tool like nmecr or open-eemeter.
The blog is generated from a Jupyter notebook with the IRkernel, which is fairly easy to install with conda. This is convenient if you already use Python. You can also use the R script understand_model.R from the repository to try out the code. Wherever you see a box like below, that is the command sent to R and its output.
cat("hello, world!")
hello, world!
If you need to look up basic syntax or built-in data types, try these:
#library(patchwork) # To display 2 charts together
Warning message: "package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.3"Warning message: "package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.3" Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Warning message: "package 'glue' was built under R version 3.6.3" Attaching package: 'glue' The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr': collapse
#rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/uncertain_savings3/Project_02.13.rds"
#rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/uncertain_savings4/Project_02.16.rds"
#rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/uncertain_screening1/Project_02.17.rds"
#rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/uncertain_screening2/Project_02.18.rds"
#rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/uncertain_savings5/Project_02.18.rds"
rds_file <- "C:/RMV2.0 Workshop/something/Project_02.19.rds"
Project <- readRDS(rds_file)
cat("Your project has the following models.",fill=T)
Warning message: "namespace 'RMV2.0' is not available and has been replaced by .GlobalEnv when processing object ''"
Your project has the following models. [1] "Data_pre_2_2.csv"
# This only works in RStudio ...
# Uncomment to have a graphical View appear and show you everything from the project file.
Error in View(Project): 'View()' not yet supported in the Jupyter R kernel Traceback: 1. View(Project) 2. stop(sQuote("View()"), " not yet supported in the Jupyter R kernel")
There Project object is a list. Elements of the list can be any data type. To understand what was stored, we want to look at a few important elements:
(logical): Whether the temperature data was read in with units = degrees Fahrenheit.Project$model_obj_list$models_list[["Data_pre_2_2.csv"]]
(list): This data structure includes the regression model coefficients, as well as some calculated quantities like goodness_of_fit.Note that Data_pre_2_2.csv
was the name of the data file when we created the model. That name is used to organize the data, in case we had multiple models in the project. We can also refer to that element as models_list[[1]]
As we dive in to explore, note that there is some redundant information and obvious names, so I won't explain it all.
stores the data used to train regression models, including load and temperature.
In the towt_model
data structure:
is the hyperparameter used to break up your 1 year of data into blocks (think seasons or months) at your discretion. I used 90 days, and as a result I had 6 blocks: 365 / 90 = 6, give or take. To be precise, blocks start on the hours indexed by pointlist
. More on this later.regOutList
we have stored the outputs of running linear regression fit. This is a list of 6 elements, one for each seasonal block of time.WeightMatrix
contains weights for each (block, timestamp) combination. These are used for weighted regression.PredMatrix
contains load "predictions" using the baseline regression models with the baseline weather data, one time series for each block. For a single time series "prediction", the separate blocks have been re-combined by contraction (matrix multiplication) with the weights, into arrays like models[["Data_pre_2_2.csv"]]$fitting
and prediction
. If the model fits, the prediction should be correlated well with baseline data.Here is the regression model data structure for the first block, regOutList[[1]]
. Note:
represents a regression model for occupied periods. More on this next.bmod
represents a regression model for unoccupied periods.tempKnots
are the changepoint temperatures This and all internal calculations are kept in degrees Celsius.The amod
element is the output of a call to the lm
function which performs regression (linear model).
is a commonly used function R, not specific to RMV2.0. If you want to write your own regression script, you will probably use lm
at the heart of
element remembers how the lm
function was invoked. The formula loadVec ~ . + 0
is a lazy way to say that the output of the regression should try to match loadVec
, and it should be linear function of all the columns (".") in the input data.frame, which is stored as model
. Those column names are recorded in the terms
is the time of week factor. As a factor, it represents a set of indicator variables like ftow1 ... ftow168, each represent one hour of time-of-week.X1
through X5
are the amount by which temperature exceeds the corresponding changepoint from tempKnots
(and one implicit '0' changepoint).The occupied periods include only some of the time-of-week hours (e.g. 33, 34, ...), which are called the levels of the ftow
factor. Other levels (e.g. 1, 2, ...) appear in the bmod
linear model for unoccupied periods.
Here we can also see the coefficients. To count them up,
All together, there are 80 coefficients in the amod
linear model.
In the bmod
linear model, we can see a different set of coefficients for the ftow
Now that we know a little about the stored data structure, let's start scripting something useful.
cat("Project file had the following structure:",fill=T)
# Typical for screening analysis
# [1] "files_path_sc" "fahrenheit" "Data_pre_summary_0" "Data_pre_summary" "files_names" "model_obj_list"
# [7] "p_name_sc" "Data_pre" "pre_dir_sc" "files_names_mod" "Model"
# Typical for savings analysis
# [1] "Data_pre_summary_0" "load" "files_names" "post_names_sav" "pre_names_sav"
# [6] "Data_pre" "files_names_mod" "p_name_sav" "post_path_sav" "Data_pre_summary"
# [11] "fahrenheit" "post_dir_sav" "model_obj_list" "pre_path_sav" "Data_post"
# [16] "Data_post_summary" "nre_done" "Data_post_summary_0" "pre_dir_sav" "Model"
Project file had the following structure: [1] "files_path_sc" "fahrenheit" "Data_pre_summary_0" [4] "Data_pre_summary" "files_names" "model_obj_list" [7] "p_name_sc" "Data_pre" "pre_dir_sc" [10] "files_names_mod" "Model"
cat("Project file has Data_post? (is savings analysis?)",fill=T)
print("Data_post" %in% names(Project))
isSavings = "Data_post" %in% names(Project)
projectType <- if (isSavings) {"savings!"} else {"screenings!"}
cat("Type of models used?",fill=T)
if (Project$Model != "TOWT") {
cat("Warning: this script only understands TOWT models.",fill=T)
Project file has Data_post? (is savings analysis?) [1] FALSE Type of models used? [1] "TOWT"
Here is how RMV2.0 actually used the hyperparameter, timescaleDays, to determine the season blocks.
cat("Attempting to understand the first TOWT model. Grokking ...",fill=T)
# Pick a model from the models_list by number, then load its variables into the workspace
i <- 1
dataTime <- if (isSavings) {timeVec} else {trainTime}
npoints = length(dataTime)
t0 = min(dataTime,na.rm=T)
t1 = max(dataTime,na.rm=T)
deltaT = as.numeric(difftime(t1,t0,units="days"))
nsegments = max(1,ceiling(deltaT/timescaleDays))
segmentwidth = (npoints-1)/nsegments
segmentDeltaT = deltaT / nsegments
Attempting to understand the first TOWT model. Grokking ...
# Build dataframe from timeVec (shape [n]) and WeightMatrix (shape [26,n]), transposed
df <- data.frame(
day = timeVec,
# "Melt" from wide table to long table (day, variable, value)
df2 <- reshape2::melt(data=df,id.vars="day")
day | variable | value |
2006-01-01 01:00:00 | weights.1 | 1.0000000 |
2006-01-01 02:00:00 | weights.1 | 0.9999998 |
2006-01-01 03:00:00 | weights.1 | 0.9999991 |
2006-01-01 04:00:00 | weights.1 | 0.9999981 |
2006-01-01 05:00:00 | weights.1 | 0.9999966 |
2006-01-01 06:00:00 | weights.1 | 0.9999946 |
day | variable | value | |
52543 | 2006-12-31 18:00:00 | weights.6 | 0.9999946 |
52544 | 2006-12-31 19:00:00 | weights.6 | 0.9999966 |
52545 | 2006-12-31 20:00:00 | weights.6 | 0.9999981 |
52546 | 2006-12-31 21:00:00 | weights.6 | 0.9999991 |
52547 | 2006-12-31 22:00:00 | weights.6 | 0.9999998 |
52548 | 2006-12-31 23:00:00 | weights.6 | 1.0000000 |
## Use modern library to plot weighting functions together
figtitle0 <- if (isSavings) {
"Raw weights for weighted average of baseline models in post-period\n(Denominator is sum of weights)"
} else {
"Weights used to generate baseline models\n(Weighted least squares linear regression)"
figtitle <- glue("{figtitle0}
deltaT = {format(deltaT,digits=4)} days, \\
timescaleDays = {timescaleDays}, \\
segmentDays = {format(segmentDeltaT, digits=4)}")
fig <- ggplot(data = df2, aes(x = day, y = value, colour = variable)) + geom_line() +
theme(aspect.ratio=0.3) +
Weights used to generate baseline models (Weighted least squares linear regression) deltaT = 364.9 days, timescaleDays = 90, segmentDays = 72.98
# Remove items from the workspace to avoid mistakes
## Proceed with this step only if you have modified the code to save extra variables
[1] "training" "predictions" "amod" "bmod" "tempKnots" [6] "occVec" "okocc"
cat("The hyperparameter timescaleDays",fill=T)
cat("the index of timestamps used for weights",fill=T)
cat("the re-computed timestamps used for weights",fill=T)
#for (point in pointlist) {
# print(trainTime[point])
tCenters = trainTime[pointlist]
The hyperparameter timescaleDays [1] 90 the index of timestamps used for weights [1] 1 1752 3503 5255 7006 8758 the re-computed timestamps used for weights [1] "2006-01-01 01:00:00 MST" "2006-03-15 01:00:00 MST" [3] "2006-05-27 00:00:00 MST" "2006-08-08 00:00:00 MST" [5] "2006-10-19 23:00:00 MST" "2006-12-31 23:00:00 MST"
nModelRuns <- length(regOutList)
cat(paste("There are ",nModelRuns,"model blocks"),fill=T)
for (irun in 1:nModelRuns) {
cat(paste("Model block ", irun),fill=T)
regOut <- regOutList[[irun]]
# Explain how coefficients are linked to input variables in model
cat("The formula for the regression:",fill=T)
cat("The type of each variable:",fill=T)
cat("The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...:",fill=T)
cat(paste("Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) :",regOut$amod$rank),fill=T)
cat(paste("Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots):",regOut$bmod$rank),fill=T)
There are 6 model blocks Model block 1 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98 Model block 2 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98 Model block 3 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98 Model block 4 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98 Model block 5 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98 Model block 6 The formula for the regression: [1] "loadVec ~ ftow + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + 0" The type of each variable: loadVec ftow X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 (weights) "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" The temperature knots used to define temperature variables X1, X2, ...: [1] 4.444444 12.777778 18.333333 26.666667 Number of parameters in occupied period model (excluding tempKnots) : 80 Number of parameters in unoccupied period model (excluding tempKnots): 98
# Show some or all of the coefficients in a table
cat("Regression fit coefficients for occupied periods:")
# Result: e.g. ftow33 ... ftow158, X1 ... X5
# Not all ftow factors appear
cat("Regression fit coefficients for unoccupied periods:")
# Result: e.g. ftow1 ... ftow168, X1 ... X5
Regression fit coefficients for occupied periods: Call: lm(formula = loadVec ~ . + 0, data = dframe, subset = okocc, weights = weightvec, na.action = na.exclude) Coefficients: ftow33 ftow34 ftow35 ftow36 ftow37 ftow38 ftow39 ftow40 889.513 1129.579 1083.434 1055.898 1030.532 1032.293 1053.327 1055.209 ftow41 ftow42 ftow43 ftow44 ftow45 ftow57 ftow58 ftow59 1086.492 1052.536 890.060 781.562 687.989 956.480 1239.358 1193.083 ftow60 ftow61 ftow62 ftow63 ftow64 ftow65 ftow66 ftow67 1166.313 1141.000 1148.110 1175.762 1181.462 1211.249 1164.571 973.030 ftow68 ftow69 ftow70 ftow81 ftow82 ftow83 ftow84 ftow85 850.676 746.600 652.988 965.799 1251.020 1207.634 1182.726 1152.299 ftow86 ftow87 ftow88 ftow89 ftow90 ftow91 ftow92 ftow93 1162.257 1190.022 1188.593 1217.781 1172.343 980.118 861.779 752.962 ftow94 ftow105 ftow106 ftow107 ftow108 ftow109 ftow110 ftow111 651.490 954.417 1203.931 1160.355 1132.017 1107.869 1115.496 1140.647 ftow112 ftow113 ftow114 ftow115 ftow116 ftow117 ftow118 ftow129 1143.676 1169.399 1124.270 939.357 831.399 719.134 631.937 970.610 ftow130 ftow131 ftow132 ftow133 ftow134 ftow135 ftow136 ftow137 1249.137 1209.257 1187.430 1162.131 1171.442 1198.762 1200.905 1228.215 ftow138 ftow139 ftow140 ftow141 ftow142 ftow153 ftow154 ftow155 1183.935 985.538 866.343 751.631 653.014 624.374 733.561 685.567 ftow156 ftow157 ftow158 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 663.234 661.950 662.021 1.851 4.336 27.944 7.310 45.556 Regression fit coefficients for unoccupied periods: Call: lm(formula = loadVec ~ . + 0, data = dframe, subset = !okocc, weights = weightvec, na.action = na.exclude) Coefficients: ftow1 ftow2 ftow3 ftow4 ftow5 ftow6 ftow7 ftow8 273.1739 270.1190 271.7262 272.8517 279.2212 293.7085 321.3417 352.5974 ftow9 ftow10 ftow11 ftow12 ftow13 ftow14 ftow15 ftow16 350.7285 316.0362 268.5449 239.1591 234.6808 246.7670 244.2578 236.3076 ftow17 ftow18 ftow19 ftow20 ftow21 ftow22 ftow23 ftow24 271.9386 338.8820 365.6205 358.6873 350.0431 338.1211 318.8483 295.9443 ftow25 ftow26 ftow27 ftow28 ftow29 ftow30 ftow31 ftow32 279.7471 319.8969 322.2569 322.8331 330.4514 362.2822 445.7943 547.8207 ftow46 ftow47 ftow48 ftow49 ftow50 ftow51 ftow52 ftow53 659.3880 481.4336 347.8056 317.5771 319.1767 319.8283 320.9749 327.9593 ftow54 ftow55 ftow56 ftow71 ftow72 ftow73 ftow74 ftow75 361.2094 447.8091 568.7063 511.9503 355.3213 321.6388 318.0751 319.8035 ftow76 ftow77 ftow78 ftow79 ftow80 ftow95 ftow96 ftow97 320.1643 327.0424 361.1173 449.3805 569.4319 506.8513 355.8040 322.2515 ftow98 ftow99 ftow100 ftow101 ftow102 ftow103 ftow104 ftow119 314.3528 315.8488 315.6444 322.8590 358.7039 441.9594 563.9345 491.8609 ftow120 ftow121 ftow122 ftow123 ftow124 ftow125 ftow126 ftow127 352.5433 320.4745 318.0097 317.8134 318.6468 324.3257 358.6189 444.9453 ftow128 ftow143 ftow144 ftow145 ftow146 ftow147 ftow148 ftow149 569.6498 504.8645 353.6033 321.0042 266.5064 267.2594 268.3067 275.8720 ftow150 ftow151 ftow152 ftow159 ftow160 ftow161 ftow162 ftow163 291.1315 412.7272 488.8743 566.0680 426.6568 453.0773 457.9925 372.8548 ftow164 ftow165 ftow166 ftow167 ftow168 X1 X2 X3 350.2605 345.8815 333.8005 311.7801 290.0373 -1.0110 -0.8148 3.1848 X4 X5 22.2031 7.6776
## Clean up: remove global variables from workspace and detach scope
## Comment out these lines if you want to inspect further
rm(rds_file, isSavings, projectType, i, df, df2, tCenters, nModelRuns, irun, regOut)